A member of the club for eight years, Olivia Olson had no shortage of favorite moments and memories she wanted to share. Here’s a look at her time with the club.

Friendship and road trips were a main theme for Olivia as she pointed out a few players she has played with for an extensive period of time include Bre Koscielski (9 years), Cami Hattenburg (10 years) and Peyton Dixon (10 years). And Bre was a part of her favorite road trip traditions.

“Traveling with Bre to our away games. Gave me a built in best friend that I will forever be so so thankful for. My favorite travel buddy and teammate.”

Like several other of her G2004/05 teammates, the trip to Florida and staying in a house together ranked among one of her favorite club soccer moments, but that was not where the list ended as she rattle off many others.

“This one hotel in Vancouver that had these funny mirrors in the workout room that Bre and I took funny pictures at; when Bre and I were driving to Seattle for a tournament and hundreds of tumble weeds were blowing across the freeway; during our first trip to Florida when we went “gator hunting” and ended up at a wildlife park; Knots Berry Farm!!; and the giant water slide at a GA showcase that the team rode down after a game.”

She had a couple favorite local memories as well, “belly sliding on the turf during a super snowy practice last winter at Merkel and winning Turf Wars senior year.”

Olson has enjoyed a great career in club and high school, where she was the winner of the Most Inspirational award by her team, served as team captain and one a GSL title in 2021.

But she learned plenty with the club. She said one of the most important lessons came “when the club made the transition from RCL to GA. All of a sudden we were the underdogs and had to learn (still learning) how to compete with the higher level.”

She also quoted Kevin Moon. “Can’t pass, can’t play.” Coach Moon “showed me the importance of mastering the basics and what some may consider the simplest skills.

Also among the things her coaches instilled was “Hard work. Going to practice and going through the motions will not help me reach success. I have to be willing to make sacrifices and dedicate additional time to improve.”

And what would she advise others? “The time goes by so much faster than you think. Enjoy every minute you can but also push yourself to be better. Putting in extra work on your own will help you improve more than anything if you are wanting to reach the next level.

“Use both feet!! The older you get the more important it is to be able to pass a ball with both feet. It is very hard to be successful without mastering the basics.”

Olivia will be headed to the west side for college soccer in the coming months, joining Pacific Lutheran University.

“Not only do I get to continue playing soccer, I loved the community, location, coaching style, and it had my major,” she said of her decision.

Quick Hits

Favorite soccer player(s)?

Mallory Pugh Swanson (USWNT, Chicago Red Stars) – She is so crafty and shifty with the ball. Excellent at 1v1s, recognizing when she can take people on, and striking the ball. I like watching how confidently she plays. I also enjoy watching Sophie Smith (USWNT, Portland Thorns) play!

Favorite soccer team(s) to watch?

USWNT, USMNT (any World Cup game), Chicago Red Stars, Portland Thorns, San Diego Wave

What she’ll miss about club soccer?

My teammates. At the end of the day I have made the most amazing memories and my best friends through club soccer. It will be a very surreal feeling not stepping onto the field with them again.

Thank Yous…

Kevin Moon – “Truly shaped me into the player I was today. His coaching not only through club soccer, but also outside of it in additional trainings taught me skills that I use daily. He continually pushes me to be the best version of myself and holds me accountable when I am not performing at the next level.”

My parents – “Through countless soccer trips, hours spent driving me to and from practice, and the many many dollars they have spent paying to help me reach my goals they have always supported me. I am truly so grateful to have them in my life.”

My friends – “It’s not always easy hearing someone say they can’t hangout or go to an event because they have practice. I am thankful that I have a support system that encourages me to reach my goals.”

Parent POV – Megan Olson

“Liv started playing soccer at the age of four. She has always loved to be active and on the go so we decided to sign her up to try soccer so she could run some energy out. She loved it from day one!”

And the little ball of energy changed and learned much over the next 14 years.

“Liv has grown from a shy timid four year old to a fierce competitor on the field. She lives for the most competitive games and loves to be in on the hardest tackles. She is scrappy and doesn’t let her size stop her. She is never afraid to take on a player twice her size — even if it means she has to foul to get to them! Liv is a great team player and her knowledge of the game is incredible. Seeing her confidence grow over the years as her skills improved has been a gift to watch.

“Soccer has taught so many life lessons. Liv has grown to be committed in all that she does both on and off the field. She is the hardest worker and never stops striving to be the best version of herself.”

Her mother’s favorite memory of Live playing soccer “was her senior year rivalry Turf Wars — Mt Spokane vs Mead. She played an amazing game that night and was all over the field. She played hard and intense; and seeing her smile post-game is something I will remember forever.”

That moment was followed by one of the toughest.

“Liv broke her hip during a high school soccer game early in her senior season and was forced to miss 12 full weeks of soccer. It was so disappointing but she navigated it amazingly well and came back strong and ready for club season.”

What will Megan miss most from Olivia’s club soccer days?

“The thing we will miss the most are the families we have been blessed to share the sidelines with all these years. It truly takes a village and we were blessed with the best. The friendships made will be cherished always.

Megan added, “Huge thanks to all the coaches that have dedicated their time and poured so much into these girls. Through all the ups and downs they have been there encouraging and supporting.”


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