Sign up your 2015, 2016 & 2017 birthyear players now for the leading player development program in the greater Spokane community. Play-ups also welcome to join the program!
SJP 2024-25 ID DAYS
Monday, June 3, Dwight Merkel
Boys: 5:00-6:00
Girls: 6:15-7:15
Tuesday, June 4, Southeast Complex
Boys: 5:00-6:00
Girls: 6:15-7:15
Wednesday, June 5, Plantes Ferry
Boys: 5:00-6:00
Girls: 6:15-7:15
If you’re interested in joining SJP mid-season or missed the ID Days, we may well have room. Please REGISTER HERE if interested in joining after ID Dates.
Shadow Junior Program... ALL PLAYERS WELCOME!
The junior program from Spokane's Premier Soccer Club since 1999
For Birth Years:
Under-10: 2015 :: Under-9: 2016 :: Under-8: 2017
2018 play-ups are welcome for motivated players
Two 60-minute Sessions Per Week
6-8 Games in Fall 2024 & 6-8 Games in Spring 2025
Locations: North - South - Valley
For More Information
Shadow Junior Program Director:
Ben Atkinson - BenA@spokanesc.org
Training Sessions
Twice weekly during the fall and winter, which includes one director-led session with our professionally trained and experienced staff. There will also be training available 1-2 times a week in the summer and once per week in the winter.
$335 (Fall & Spring) + Uniform (approximately $100)
Spokane Shadow Juniors Program | Parent Information
The Spokane Junior’s Program creates an experiential learning environment where optimism, hard work and decision making is rewarded through positive reinforcement. More information below.
The Spokane Juniors Program (SJP) is the next step beyond recreational soccer. We recommend players and teams begin SJP for their U9, or U8 play-up, season. This is a no-cut program, rooted in our local regions, designed for players interested in exploring the next level of development and enjoyment in the beautiful game. The Spokane Sounders employ best practices for youth player development to create an amazing environment for fun, community and effective training. Players can expect to learn life lessons and develop fundamental technical soccer skills. The Spokane Juniors Program produces the highest quality youth development experience in the region. Whether your player is recreational, select, premier or elite, the SJP is the ideal program to develop your player’s game.
Our Team. Our SJP Directors are vastly experienced, passionate about youth player development and are licensed and certified. Meet our team: Ben Atkinson (Valley); Mike Pellicio (North & South).
The Spokane Shadow are an affiliate club of the Seattle Sounders Youth Academy which provides our club exclusive regional access to Sounders coaching education, training curriculum, data analysis and scouting network. Sounder affiliate clubs have produced 46 youth national team call-ups over a five-year period. You can learn more about the leagues here. Player development comes first for the Spokane Sounders. Learn more about our mission.
Training Methodology. Our experienced and licensed directors train the players as well as the coaches. If we can help develop the next generation of soccer coaches, then our local grass-roots soccer community will benefit. Training sessions will often begin with free play of the beautiful game, transition into individual technical skill development, progress into small-sided training exercises, and with a small-sided game. This method keeps enjoyment and fun levels high as players are able to play the game for a large portion of every training session while also building foundational technical skill.
Season & Training. The SJP is broken up into Fall and Spring seasons. Each season is 10-12 weeks long and consists of training twice a week for an hour each session with approximately six-eight games per season. Your SJP Director will lead a majority of sessions while also providing detailed session plans for individual team training. Training during the Summer and Winter consists of around five sessions respectively.
Cost. The cost of SJP is $335 per year and includes Spring, Winter, Fall and Summer. Uniforms are not included and typically cost under $100 per player.
If you are a coach and are interested in getting access to the best player development curriculum, then the SJP is for you.
If you are a parent and your player is enjoying the beautiful game, then the SJP is for you.
Contact your SJP Regional Director today!
We look forward to seeing you all out on the pitch!