YDP Spring 2025

Spokane Shadow are ecstatic and proud to provide the community the Youth Development Program (YDP), a soccer-specific program tailored for U6 to U8 boys and girls around the Spokane area that has been developed by former Everton FC Academy Coach Marc Mason with a focus on increasing soccer knowledge, developing great sportsmanship and taking part in a healthy, active lifestyle; all while having a great time with their friends and teammates

The opportunity for Spokane Shadow to provide an impactful program - for not only soccer development, but character development - at no cost is beyond exciting for the next steps for the youngest soccer players in our community.

Why Choose YDP? Players develop and compete in a highly respected internal league.

Training Begins Week of April 14 - Season Runs Through June 7



YDP - Birth Years 2017 & 2018 [+]

YDP Mini Kickers (BY 2019) [+] 

Spokane Sounders is thrilled to offer the Youth Development Program (YDP) for the U6, U7 and U8 age groups.

Spring 2025 Season Birth Years

U6 - Birth year 2019
U7 - Birth year 2018
U8 - Birth year 2017

How Do I get involved?

Become a part of your player's journey and sign up as a Team Lead or Assistant! You will receive instruction weekly, and support from our Director. If you have a team already and wish to join, please email YDP@spokanesc.org!

If you would like to support this NO COST program by making donations, or know of someone who would, please email YDP@spokanesc.org or visit this page for YDP DONATIONS [+]

Join Spokane Sounders as a Coach

We are always looking for individuals who want to be more involved with the game. Click for more INFO [+]