Kicking a ball around since the age of two, Steven Troupin finished his club career this past year after many seasons with the Spokane Sounders and is off to Washington State this fall to begin his post-soccer career.

Passionate about the sport he enjoys more than anything else, Steven did most of his speaking on the pitch and was a man of few words reflecting on his time playing.

One important thing for the Gonzaga Prep player, though, was some of the friendships formed in the game, noting that his favorite soccer moment was “meeting T (Tynan Silva) on my first day of club soccer” and that “Bruce Emch is the longest teammate I’ve had. He’s been on my Sounders team almost every year.”

His teammates have also played an important role in Steven’s growth in the game over the years that he has been thankful for.

“I wanna thank Bryce Allred and Andre Layman. They pushed me to be better every game and practice and always helped me if I didn’t get something or needed a pick me up.”

In addition to his peers helping him on the pitch, Steven mentioned a few learning moments important to his career, starting with “always work to win the ball back if you are the one who lost it” and noting a moment “when I didn’t jump for a header and Tim Seely made sure I jumped for the rest.”

Those learning moments and support came together for Steven and the 04/05 crew in one of their final events together as they went unbeaten at ECNL Florida, a memory that he highlighted as a favorite moment in his career alongside winning the GSL championship with the Bullpups.

Turning the tables, Steven’s advice for other players included that younger players should “give 110% at practice and make mistakes there so it doesn’t happen in games” and that older players should “take the time to enjoy everything – even the hard practices and games – as it doesn’t last forever.”

Quick Hits

Favorite Road Trip Traditions:

Not stopping for bathroom breaks

Favorite Road Trip Memory:

Playing Fortnite mobile with Bruce when it came out.

Favorite Soccer Players:

Messi and Davies. Both great players. Love Messi he’s the goat. Davies is the best left back in the world and is one of the hardest workers too.

Favorite Soccer Teams:

Barcelona & Manchester City

What He’ll Miss Most from Club Soccer:

Summer practices

Parent POV – Rhiannon Troupin

Steven’s mother Rhiannon said that the thing she will miss the most is “watching him play a sport he loves more than anything on earth” and “watching how much fun he had with his team traveling for ECNL events.”

She’s been doing that since he was enrolled in SoccerTots at the age of two and began playing club soccer at nine.

Over that team she has seen him grow on and off the field from his work with the club.

“His soccer IQ has increased and the trust in his team has helped him become a better player. Being on a team has taught him hard work and dedication. The friendship and loyalty the team has created is incredible.”

That was on full display in Orlando at their final ECNL event.

“One of the best moments as a parent was watching the boys gather after their very last club game in Orlando. They all wrapped their arms around each other, and Adrien Ferrasse gave a speech that had every single one of them emotional.

“Seeing how much club soccer has bonded them and how much the time on the team meant to each of them was worth every drive to soccer practice, every travel game, every rainy or snowy sideline. This experience has given these boys something that can never be taken away and it was incredible to watch as a parent.”



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